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    Learning solutions

    Prevention of money laundering training for financial advisors

    Learning solutions

    Prevention of money laundering training for financial advisors
    CHF 499

    Training for financial intermediaries on the prevention of money laundering

    This program contains courses on regulations applicable to the activities of bankers, portfolio managers and family offices.

    The regulatory courses are recognised by SAQ as recertification measures for CWMA and provides 5.15 SAQ credits.

    This program covers the following areas:
    – Swiss law against money laundering and terrorism financing
    – Market Abuse
    – Sanctions
    – Conflicts of Interests

    Please contact us to meet us and see how this program can be adjusted, enriched as much as need to fit your specific needs and business priorities. For example, a tailor-made dedicated program could be assigned to your new joiners or for a specific team with a precise deadline to satisfy audit requirements.

    Your Advantages


    Register in a few clicks and access all your training activities in one single place.


    Learn at your own pace and convenience, 24/7 from anywhere.


    Plan your activities to comply with regulatory deadlines.


    Meet our experts and receive personal advice and feedback.


    Optimize your training time and investments: satisfy various training requirements with one single program.

    Download and print your certificates online at any time

    High Quality

    Benefit from the best learning solutions on the market whatever the size of your company.

    Tailor made

    Co-create with us a unique program perfectly adjusted to the specific needs of your teams.

    For more information

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